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Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) photo-rejuvenation is a technologythat treats pigmentation and vascular imperfections while also improving theoverall appearance of your skin. The Lumenis IPL treatment has optimal pulsetechnology which can be customized to suit every individual’s skin and concern.Light pulses move through the skin, creating heat andtargeting skin imperfections in a controlled way. The treated area then flakesoff when your body goes through its natural and constant process ofexfoliation. While that is happening collage and elastin fibres are stimulatedwhich improves the skin tone and overall appearance. 

IPL targets a wide range of different concerns such as pigmentation, uneven skin tone, blood vessels, acne, rosacea, skin discoloration, and vascular lesions, while improving the overall appearance of your complexion

M22 IPL also treats..

- Skin discoloration and blemishes (sun/age spots andfreckles)  - Port wine stains - Visible signs of aging  -Spider veins or broken capillaries  - Hemangiomas (a benign tumour of blood vessels that forms ared birthmark) - Acne or acne scarring

Consulation is required Cost varies on the treatment

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Pre & Post treatment care

Pre Treatment

-Avoid sun exposure or tanning beds for 4-6 weeks prior to IPL treatment

- No self-tan on the area a minimum of 2 weeks prior to treatment* 

- All prep products prescribed by your skin therapist must be used for 2 weeks minimum prior to treatment

- Inform your skin therapist of any holidays planned prior to booking appointments so that they can be scheduled correctly

-Stop use of active ingredients such as retinol 3days prior to your appointment

- Tell your skin therapist of any change in medications prior to treatment

-Start to take lysine a few days before starting treatment if you are prone to cold sores.

*if you have any trace on tan on the area to be treated,the session will be postponed as it increases the risk of hyperpigmentation.

Post Treatment

- Avoid touching the skin directly after treatment

- Do not use any active products on the skin for the next 5 days after treatment

- No facial waxing or exfoliation after treatment

- Use a gentle hydrating moisturiser for the 5days after treatment

- Reapply your SPF every 2 hours to keep skin protected

- No strenuous activities 2 days after your treatment

- Wear a sun had if outside along with your SPF

Before & After treatment


Who is M22 IPL suited for?

IPL is suited for anyone concerned about pigmentation,visible signs of ageing, broken capillaries, acne, skin discolouration oranyone who just wants to improve the overall appearance of their skin.M22 IPL Photo rejuvenation is not suitable when you haveactive infections, viral, fungal, or bacterial diseases, inflammatory skinconditions, skin cancer, pregnant or breastfeeding.

*Consultation required

How often should I get IPL done?

4 treatments every 4-6 weeks

How long does the treatment take?

Approx. 45mins – 1hour

What is the downtime post treatment?

Directly after your treatment you may experience mild redness & a tight sensation similar to the sensation mild sunburn and you may notice your pigmentation appearing darker.

These are normal skin responses and subside quickly.

Book your IPL consultation today!